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Restorative Yoga

Relax, restore, and rejuvenate

30 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Indulge in a deeply relaxing Restorative Yoga class, designed to promote rest and rejuvenation. With gentle poses supported by props, you'll release tension, quiet the mind, and restore your body's natural balance. Treat yourself to this soothing practice!

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Daikanyamacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0034, Japan

Studio designed by Ryo Abe


Alaister Nimmo | ​ニモウ アレスタ (日 or English)

+81-(0)90-4745-4859 (日 or English)

Yoga Tree Daikanyama

​HannahLyn Nimmo | ニモウ ハナリン (English)

+81-(0)80-4353-2804 (English)

Photos by Hayley Durack

〒150-0032 東京都渋谷区鶯谷町12-7 ヴィラ・ロイヤル代官山 201号室

Villa Royale 201, 12-7 Uguisudanicho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0032

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